Talkative supervisors can now set up a bespoke analytics bulletin that's automatically delivered straight to email!
Fully customisable, this bulletin can provide updates on your most valuable KPIs, metrics, and analytics reports, giving you a greater aerial view of your contact center’s performance.

Gain a greater view of your contact center
Just like your customer service representatives, contact center management has their own targets to hit.
And though Talkative has always provided a great overview of your agents’ performance, previously, any users seeking additional information would have to perform a manual search.
Thanks to our latest update, that’s all changed!
Now, you can create custom email updates to be delivered as and when you need them, featuring all the information you need to maintain high performance.
Along with your chosen reports, you can also customize the report-sending day and the list of email recipients. In turn, you’re all the better equipped to make strategic decisions about how to serve your customers best.

Fully customisable to suit your needs
To make sure you and your team are getting the most out of this new feature, we’ve made sure to include every possible analytics report that you might need.
From average handling times to feedback responses to interactions by agent, Talkative’s email bulletins have you covered.

Getting started
Want to learn more about setting up a weekly email update for you and your team?
Check out our support article.
Alternatively, get in touch with your Talkative Account Manager if you've got any specific questions. We're always happy to help.
And for more on our latest updates, check out our most recent release notes.