All Talkative customers can now offer inbound voice and video messages via live chat.
Prior to this update, only text-based messages were possible through your website live chat.
Now, your customers will also have the option to send a voice note or video message during live chat interactions.
It means maximum convenience and ease of contact for your customers, as well as improved live chat accessibility.

Take your live chat experience to the next level
Thanks to this new feature, your customers will have more options than ever when reaching out to your brand.
When engaging in a live chat interaction, they’ll be able to choose between typing out a message, sending a voice note, or recording a video message.
With video messages, they can even use their phone camera or webcam to actually show the problem to your agents.
These additional options make it far easier and more convenient for customers to explain and demonstrate their situation/issue - without having to start a web call or video chat session.
All you have to do to reap the benefits of this update is update your Widget Configs to enable Video/Voice Messages.

Getting started
Need help getting started with Inbound Voice/Video Messages? Get in touch with your Talkative Account Manager.
And for more on our latest updates, check out our most recent release notes.
Are you a new customer that likes the look of this update?
Book a demo and learn how Talkative can help you make each website interaction more personable and profitable today.