Single Sign On (SSO) with AD, Azure and Salesforce

February 9, 2022
Leverage SSO to create users and allow access via your identity service

Single Sign On (SSO) is now supported in Talkative!

SSO lets you create users in Talkative by mapping roles from your identity service, including Active Directory (AD) and Salesforce.

This means users don't have to remember yet another set of usernames and passwords.

Who is using the feature?

SSO is used by global organisations using Talkative to make adoption and management of the platform more efficient.

How to use this feature?

Users just need to hit "Sign in using Single Sign On" where they will be asked for their email address.

You no longer need to create/delete users in Talkative if you have SSO enabled, as this can be done with just-in-time user provisioning within your identity service.

How do we set up this feature?

You can set up SSO within the Talkative platform:

Talkative can assist with this process, that typically takes 30 minutes to configure.

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