Video Chat Chrome Extension

January 6, 2023
Effortlessly invite customers to a Talkative Meeting Room with our new Chrome extension.

All Talkative customers can now utilize our Talkative Meeting Rooms Chrome extension.

Prior to this update, you had to have a Talkative widget on your business website or app in order to use our video chat.

Now, agents can offer customers a Talkative video chat via any chat system or interaction - simply by sending an invite link.

Enjoy Talkative video chat with maximum ease

With this update, you can easily transform any text-based or phone interaction into a Talkative video chat. 

Simply use our Chrome Extension to create a new meeting room and send an invite link to the customer via any text-based interaction (live chat, email, etc.).

This feature is particularly useful for Talkative customers who wish to keep their current contact center systems in place.

It means you can enjoy all the benefits of Talkative’s video chat without sacrificing your existing live chat provider. 

Getting started 

Want to get started with our Video Chat Chrome Extension straight away? Take a look at our support article to find out how.  

‍And for more on our latest updates, check out our most recent release notes.

Are you a new customer that likes the look of this update? 

Book a demo and learn how Talkative can help you make each website interaction more personable and profitable today. 

Schedule your team’s live demo

Book a demo for a time and date that suits you.