
Lululemon’s video shoppers are 4x as likely to purchase


Lululemon is a global gym wear brand that places well-being at the heart of what they do. From its product lines to its in-store consultations and experiences, the brand helps its customers feel well physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

Of course, this kind of customer connection is far easier to achieve in person than it is online. So, when it came to serving customers from their website, Lululemon faced a problem: how could they translate their dedicated in-person experiences into their digital journey?

Getting Talkative

To help Lululemon provide the best online experiences, the brand leveraged Talkative’s real-time one-to-one video chat. 

Unlike other video chat providers, Talkative’s video chat allows Lululemons Product Experts to instantly connect with digital customers. Connection is made instantaneously - without the need for a preceding live chat interaction. 

It means Lululemon shoppers are able to enjoy the shop-floor experience regardless of their location. In turn, their advisors can create a personal connection while showing off products as they would in-store. 


Since getting Talkative, Lululemon has not only achieved its goals but has realized some fantastic outcomes. 

In all, the retailer has seen a: 

  • 30% increase in average order value for some video chat shoppers.
  • 94% positive rating for video chat users
  • 4x increase in the likelihood of a purchase

What’s more, since adopting Talkative, the brand has seen a 400% increase in video chat interactions. It’s meant more sales, more revenue, and the best experiences for their online shoppers. 


Discover Talkative in action

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