All Talkative customers can now enjoy AI-generated Interaction Summaries.
Prior to this update, you had to read through an entire transcript to assess the content of a customer conversation.
Now, you can capture the essence of each interaction in a couple of sentences.
It means that your agents and supervisors will be able to understand every customer interaction in a matter of seconds.
Leverage the power of OpenAI
Powered by our OpenAI integration, this feature condenses every live chat, web call, and video chat interaction into a concise summary.
Talkative end-users can easily enable this functionality within their Company Configs settings.
Once enabled, an AI summary will be automatically generated for every new interaction. You can view and access these summaries in your Interaction Logs.
Live chat interaction summaries will appear immediately after the chat ends. Video/web call summaries are generated once the transcript is complete.
Thanks to this innovative new feature, you can instantly understand the content and outcome of every customer conversation at a glance.
This will not only save time for your agents and supervisors but will maximize efficiency too.
What’s more, the Talkative team has even included an option for you to receive your interaction summaries in the form of a haiku - just for the poetic touch.

Getting started
Need help getting started with AI Interaction Summaries?
Check out our support article, or get in touch with your Talkative account manager.
And for more on our latest updates, check out our most recent release notes.
Are you a new customer that likes the look of this update?
Book a demo and learn how Talkative can help you make each website interaction more personable and profitable today.