Google Agent Assist

March 15, 2023
Gain AI-powered guidance and recommendations during customer conversations.

Talkative Enterprise customers can now reap the benefits of Google Agent Assist.

Google Agent Assist is an AI-powered tool that provides real-time guidance, suggestions, and recommendations during chat interactions with customers.

With Talkative’s latest update, you can now integrate with Google Agent Assist and equip your contact center teams with AI assist technology.

It means your agents will be supported and empowered to perform to their best ability - leading to optimal efficiency and next-level customer service. 

Multiple suggestions, maximum flexibility

With this new update, your agents can use Agent Assist to help them provide exceptional customer support more efficiently.

It works by using your website knowledge base and/or previous interaction transcripts to provide a selection of relevant response recommendations for each customer message. 

Alongside each suggestion, Agent Assist will also provide a confidence percentage that indicates how likely the response is to be accurate and relevant to the customer’s query. 

Google Agent Assist can offer four types of suggested responses:

  1. Article suggestions - A link to a relevant article or knowledge base document is provided, which can then be shared with the customer as a resource to help them resolve their query.
  2. FAQ Assist - If a customer asks an FAQ, the answer is automatically imported from your website and appears as a response suggestion.
  3. Smart Reply - When trained with previous interactions, Agent Assist can offer AI-generated responses based on the current conversation and historical data (similar to OpenAI Responses). However, this requires a database of at least 30,000 transcripts to set up.
  4. Virtual Agent responses - Agent Assist assesses how your existing chatbot or virtual agent would reply to the customer’s message and suggests this answer as a possible response.

Whether you want to utilize all or some of these suggestion types is completely up to you.

A wide range of settings can be configured within Google Agent Assist, including the types of responses shown, the maximum number of suggestions offered, and a confidence percentage threshold.

It means you have full flexibility to customize Agent Assist to fit your individual contact center needs and business goals. 

Getting started 

Want to get started with Google Agent Assist? Get in touch with your Talkative Account Manager.

And for more on our latest updates, check out our most recent release notes.

Are you a new customer that likes the look of this update? 

Book a demo and learn how Talkative can help you make each website interaction more personable and profitable today.

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