Einstein Chatbot Integration

August 4, 2022
Automate chatbot conversation flows with data pulled from Salesforce.

You can now integrate your Salesforce Einstein Chatbot with Talkative. 

For organizations with an existing Salesforce and Einstein infrastructure, this means you can take advantage of your Salesforce customer data records to create a more sophisticated chatbot experience. 

At the same time, this powerful Dialogflow alternative is an integration that enables you to benefit from Talkative’s enhanced live chat feature set. 

In turn, your advisors have both the time and the tools to focus on the most crucial customer queries. Your Einstein bot can take care of the rest. 

Want to get started with integrating your Einstein Chatbot with Talkative? Get in touch with your Talkative Account Manager, or book a demo today. 

Get smarter with your customer data 

With this latest integration, Salesforce customers managing an Einstein framework can automate conversation flows straight into Talkative. 

Once configured, your Einstein bot can hook in Salesforce data and provide more sophisticated responses during chatbot interactions - all in an instant.

In turn, you can make the most of Salesforce’s automation to create lower agent interaction overall.

And all this can take place as a Talkative interaction. So, you can continue serving customers, assured that your Interaction Logs, reporting, and analytics are all updated with your Einstein bot’s interactions. 

It means smarter use of your Salesforce customer data, as well as a stronger ability to analyse interactions in Talkative. 

A genius enhancement to your customer experience

We built Talkative to give brands a more human way of interacting with their digital customers. 

As such, every channel Talkative offers comes with an advanced feature set to create the most seamless digital experience possible. 

Nevertheless, to give your brand advisors the necessary time to deal with the most critical interactions - whatever the channel - AI self-service tools like chatbots provide a decisive solution for initially guiding your website and app’s customers. 

It’s why connecting Talkative’s enhanced live chat platform with your Einstein framework proves such a powerful match. 

In contrast to Salesforce’s chat offering, Talkative provides you with a whole host of features to improve the advisor and customer experience - from automatic translation with glossaries, enhanced sentiment analysis, customer journey context insights, and more. 

Moreover, Talkative provides brands with the most flexible and customisable chat widget editors on the market.

So, for Salesforce organisations that want a genuinely engaging and on-brand chat experience that they can easily connect to their existing Einstein infrastructure, all it takes is getting Talkative. 

Getting started

Are you a Salesforce organisation working with the Einstein framework? 

For current customers looking to better connect your data records with Talkative and improve your digital engagement experience, get in touch with your Talkative Account Manager today. 

Alternatively, for new customers, book your demo today, and our expert advisors will reveal the full benefits of getting Talkative.

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