Increase Online Travel Bookings with Video Chat

See your online travel customers smile. Deliver instant and scheduled video calls from your website, app, and social channels.

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Talkative’s customer engagement channels 

In today's digital landscape, it's more important than ever to leverage technology to connect with your online customers. 

This is especially true for travel agencies, hotels, and other businesses that rely on digital bookings.

Three effective ways to do this are by incorporating some key contact channels into your website, app, and social media accounts. 

These key channels are: 

  • Video chat
  • Live chat
  • Web Callbacks

In this article, we’ll be discussing all three, as well as their positive impact on your number of online travel bookings. 

Let’s get started.

The benefits of video chat for travel bookings 

By offering virtual consultations through video chat, you can provide personalized, face-to-face service to customers no matter where they are in the world. 

This can help you build trust with your customers in a way that any other channel fails to replicate. 

While live chat and voice calls can be powerful sales and service tools, nothing quite beats the in-person connection that video chat provides. 

In addition, video chat can also help you stand out from the competition by providing a more convenient and engaging way to connect with potential customers. 

This is especially important in the travel industry. 

As your customers are looking for a unique and memorable experience, you need to leverage every selling tool you can to help convey the kinds of experiences you can offer. 

What’s more, as your customers are going to have a lot of questions about their upcoming trip, it’s important that you use a tool that can speed up conversations and enable meaningful understanding and connection. 

Just remember: when looking for a video chat solution for your bookings team, you’ll need a platform that can offer scheduled interactions as well as instant video messaging. 

This way, your customers can either start a video chat with your team on the spot, or choose to book an appointment at a time that suits them. 

If preferred, you could even make this the only way of booking video chat conversations from your site - it’s really up to you. 

Fortunately, Talkative comes with all these video chat features and more, giving you the flexibility to create a video experience that works best for your brand. 

The benefits of live chat for travel bookings

While live chat is a fantastic standalone tool, it’s also a great means of supplementing the video chat experience. 

Thankfully, both live chat and video chat come as standard with the Talkative platform. 

This means your agents can engage customers on live chat before escalating to a face-to-face conversation via video. 

Meanwhile, chat conversations can continue alongside video conversations. 

This can help speed up the transfer of information - a vital aspect of your booking team’s job.

To further assist with this, Talkative also comes with screen share, page view, and cobrowse capabilities

It means your agents can gain the full context of the customer journey and help assist the customer as if they were standing side-by-side. 

The benefits of web callbacks for travel bookings

Web callbacks allow customers to click a button within your website/app’s chat widget and receive a callback from your travel bookings team. 

For travel agencies looking to increase digital bookings, web callbacks can be a game-changer. 

By providing customers with the option to speak directly with an agent, you can offer a personalized experience that can help to build trust and increase sales. 

This is especially important in the travel industry, where customers may have a lot of questions or concerns about their trip/booking.

With web callbacks, you can also ensure that customers are always connected to the right agent who can help them with their specific needs. 

Additionally, web callbacks can help to reduce wait times for customers. 

As web callbacks can be configured to allow preferred callback times, you are much less likely to have customers clogging up your live chat or phone queues. 

This makes web callbacks another great feature to employ for your online travel bookings. 

Choosing a platform to increase travel bookings

When it comes to customer engagement, choosing the right platform is crucial. 

To best increase your leads and bookings, you’ll need a tool that provides a range of intelligent contact channels, all seamlessly integrated into your website, app, and social channels. 

Meanwhile, you’ll also want to ensure your chosen engagement solution perfectly matches your website and app, helping you to provide an immersive and compelling customer experience. 

Fortunately, Talkative comes with all of these capabilities and more. 

For instance, you can customize your chat widgets on a granular level, giving you cohesive branding across your website and app. 

You can also seamlessly integrate and escalate between all Talkative channels - from live chat to video chat to cobrowse. 

And the best part? For your agents, all of this takes place within a single pane of glass.

This makes for a smooth and consistent agent experience in every interaction, which translates to higher efficiency for your team and faster responses for your customers. 

Omnichannel video chat software that’s flexible around you

Overall, getting Talkative for your travel bookings team can result in higher customer engagement, sales, and satisfaction. 

It’s the intelligent digital engagement layer your customer communication team needs, helping you to build strong customer relationships fast - all thanks to the power of our video chat, enhanced live chat, web callbacks, and more. 

Want to see how Talkative has helped other travel brands achieve higher engagement and sales? 

Check out how Internova leveraged video chat to provide a more human experience online. 

And if you want to see how Talkative can help improve your online booking experience, book your demo today. We’ll show you the unique benefits of getting Talkative with your travel customers.

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"Talkative were always available for any questions, which gave us the confidence we made the right choice."
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“Our guests are at the heart of everything we do, and we are so proud to be able to offer this personal service to our guests.”
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