Data & Security

Store and secure data however it suits you

Ensure maximum data security for yourself and your customers.

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Enterprise security features to mitigate any scares  

Talkative was built to give you and your brand peace of mind. 

From unique authorization and permission levels (assignable to every user), to Single Sign-On and Multi-Factor Authentication, Talkative provides your team with the security solutions you need most.

Automatically mask sensitive information 

Want to make sure your customers’ credit card details secure?

Talkative’s Sensitive Information Masking feature uses obfuscation to ensure that agents can’t access your customers’ sensitive information. 

Secure interactions with no need for customer downloads

Unlike some consumer-grade communication platforms, Talkative allows you to offer live chat, video, and cobrowse interactions without needing any downloads.

It means you can provide a seamless and instant connection with your customers - whatever the contact channel.

Encrypted sessions for maximum security 

Talkative's encrypted sessions means all parties can enjoy secure communication and data transfer.

With encryption taking place via a trusted public certificate authority (CA), Talkative can create unique session tokens to significantly reduce the risk of security attacks.

Secure data storage with AWS

Talkative uses AWS for your data hosting needs.

As such, any global AWS infrastructure locations can be used for Talkative storage. It means your data is always under maximum security - online and on-premises.   

Block nuisance customers from bothering your agents

Received reports of nuisance time-wasters? No problem.

Talkative’s Interaction Logs let you block and report customers with a click, saving your agents more time and unnecessary hassle. 

The best cyber security practices as standard

From strong SLAs to regular penetration tests and accreditation, Talkative’s operational protocols are set to maintain the tightest possible security for you and your data. 

See Talkative in action

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